Making a rainbow 🌈 for our baptism family. A sign that they are on a their journey with God by their side.

Making a rainbow 🌈 for our baptism family. A sign that they are on a their journey with God by their side.
This morning our Sunday school members will be trying to raise money for Christian Aid with a stall. The children have been making the things during the Sunday morning sessions.
What do you need for a journey? Let’s get packing before we go on a journey together in our church This morning the children will be making a camera, a […]
This mornings crafts from Sunday Club – welcoming children every Sunday morning from 10:30am.
The children who came to our Easter Crafts this morning all made a story stick. The walked around our church and read the Easter story. They added a symbol to […]
The children made an Easter calendar at Sunday Club this morning. They can open a door each day during Holy Week and share a bible verse with their family. Palm […]
It was a lovely service this morning led by our Sunday Club leaders and we all enjoyed taking home some simnel cake to bake at home.
Those children who came along to our Mother’s Day Crafts made a variety of things for their Mums and Grandmas to let them know just how wonderful they are! As […]
Our busy Sunday Club have been spending the last two weeks making their own version of Cromer Avenue. It’s going to take at least another week before they masterpieces are […]
Sunday Club this morning: We painted on bread with sugar and food colouring as we thought about Jesus being tempted by the devil to turn the stones into bread after […]
We spent the morning of our birthday celebrations with a family craft event making a range of birthday themed crafts. The children helped Cromerty, our church mouse, to find all […]
The children in Sunday Club have been learning about the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer over the last few weeks and have made this wonderful display in their Sunday Club […]
This morning we met some of Jesus’ friends through our crafts. Thanks for coming along.
Where has 2018 gone? Yes, I know that there is still a month of this year left as we begin to write this note, but most will agree that the […]
It was lovely to see some new faces in our congregation for our family Christingle Service led by the Sunday Club Leaders Mrs Sybil Patterson and Mrs Elaine Fenton.
Can you find your way to Bethlehem? The children had a range of fantastic crafts to complete to help them on their journey to Bethlehem as part of our Christmas […]
During the month of December we have asked everyone who comes into our church to add a link to the paper chain. At the last count it was over 150…..
This morning we celebrated Jesus is the light of the world. The children had to find all the objects which are part of our amazing stained glass window. In the […]
Thank you to all those who came along to help us find Cromerty the Church Mouse who was hiding with his friends around our harvest displays. All the children had […]